Khamis, 3 Februari 2011


Megalithic Site Together With A Mass Grave Now Declared Sacred

Tengah duduk sibuk mencari maklumat mengenai sejarah Melayu dan aktiviti arkeologikal di Sumatera, tiba-tiba terjumpa satu kenyataan yang memeranjatkan. Satu tapak tinggalan sejarah berusia seawal 5000 TAHUN SEBELUM MASIHI telah ditemui di sebuah ladang kopi, Sumatera, 10 kilometer dari Pagar Alam. Klik sini

Apa yang menarik ialah terdapat artifak berbentuk seorang wanita menunggang gajah bersama dua orang anaknya.

Selain itu terdapat juga sebuah kubur yang mempunyai batu nisan bercorak batik yang dipercayai milik seorang raja. Klik sini dan sini.dan juga di sini serta di sini. Juga boleh baca langsung di bawah ini.

Megalithic site found in South Sumatra

The Jakarta Post, Jakarta | Tue, 01/18/2011 9:26 AM | Archipelago
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A prehistoric megalithic site with a mass grave was recently uncovered on a one-hectare plot of land in a South Sumatra village.
The site was found in a coffee plantation belonging to Thamrin, 62, a resident of Segayun Village in Gumay Ulu District, Lahat Regency.
“There is a grave stone carved with batik-like motifs 50 centimeters high and 15 centimeters wide,” Thamrin told Antara on Monday.
A small statue was also found around 30 meters away from the grave.
A researcher from Palembang Archeology Center, Kristantina Indriastuti, said it was a residential area from the prehistoric era, as indicated by the statue that predates the spread of Islam in Indonesia.
“The grave with the gravestone may have belonged to a king,” she said.

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